organizational flexibility

organizational flexibility
эк. организационная гибкость

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "organizational flexibility" в других словарях:

  • Organizational architecture — has two very different meanings. In one sense it literally refers to the organization in its built environment and in another sense it refers to architecture metaphorically, as a structure which fleshes out the organizations. Organizational… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational culture — is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that have worked well enough to be considered valid… …   Wikipedia

  • Flexibility — is the absolute range of movement in a joint or series of joints and muscles that is attainable in a momentary effort with the help of a partner or a piece of equipment. It is a term for the ability to easily bend an object or the ability to… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational structure — An organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims.[1] It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational theory in public administration — The thematic evolution of organizational theory is yet another way one might capture the development of the field. Modern public sector organizational theory can be thought of as the product of two fields of study: management and government. Each …   Wikipedia

  • organizational development — OD A long term, systematic, and prescriptive approach to planned organizational change. It applies the concepts of the social and behavioural sciences to the problem of changing an organization; in doing do it treats the organization as a complex …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Competence-based management — Competence based Strategic Management is a relatively new way of thinking about how organizations gain high performance for a significant period of time. Established as a theory in the early 1990s, competence based strategic management theory… …   Wikipedia

  • Business process outsourcing — (BPO) contains the transmission of processes along with the associated operational activities and responsibilities, to a third party with at least a guaranteed equal service level and where the client contains a firm grip over the (activities of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dominican Order — For the Caribbean nation, see Dominican people. Order of Preachers Ordo Praedicatorum Abbreviation OP, Dominicans, Blackfriars Motto …   Wikipedia

  • Information logistics — Information logistics, as a section of information management, deals with the flow of information within an organizational unit or between any number of organizations that in turn form a value creating network. The primary goal is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Military history of Italy — The military history of Italy chronicles a vast time period, lasting from the overthrow of Tarquinius Superbus in 509 BC, through the Roman Empire, Italian unification, and into the modern day. The Italian peninsula has been a centre of military… …   Wikipedia

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